Project-specific configuration can be stored in a file .editide.json placed at the root folder of the project. Open it from Preferences > Project Settings in the menu.

These settings are per-project, so may be different for each opened window.

When no project is open, or settings not defined, fallback values can be user-defined under ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/editide/defaults.json. Open it from Preferences > Projects Defaults in the menu.

Default values:

    "name": null,
    "exclude": [
    "gitignore": false,
    "associate": {},
    "ctags_args": [],
    "search_filters": [],
    "margin_pos": 100,
    "margin_show": false,
    "minimap_show": false,
    "spell_lang": "",
    "tasks": []


  • name: project name, displayed in titlebar, by default the project folder name is used if undefined
  • exclude: ignore files from project, can be combined with gitignore
  • gitignore: follow .gitignore to ignore files from projects
  • associate: mapping of file globs to languages, like {"*.ui": "xml"}
  • ctags_args: additional arguments to pass to universal-ctags
  • search_filters: list of files filters to refine searches, will be prefilled in the dropdown entry
  • minimap_show: show a minimap of the source code by default (can also be toggled with Ctrl+M)
  • margin_pos: position of the right margin, if enabled
  • margin_show: enable the right margin
  • spell_lang: spellcheck language (like “en_US”), by default the system locale is used
  • tasks: custom tasks to run either by command bar or F4, F5, F6, F7 keys

The project shall be reloaded to take config updates into account.